Welcome at the Department of Astrophysics
Advancing Astrophysics, Empowering People!
The mission of the Department of Astrophysics is to lead in research and education in astrophysics at an international level. We are dedicated to sharing discoveries with society, promoting innovation, and fostering a welcoming, respectful environment where diverse perspectives enrich our academic mission.
Look up: How astronomy can give us perspective on the climate crisis - talk by Shelley Harrisberg. Oct. 4, 18:30, Littrow HS.
A successful autumn afternoon with perfect weather for all employees of the observatory!
Leopold Figl Observatory: Astrophysics in Wienerwald
On September 8th Oliver Czoske will give a talk about cosmic neutrinos.
If you love to organise and keep track of things, preferably in meaningful projects, then welcome to the team!
The Department of Astrophysics is now also part of this amazing mission.