First annual "Vienna ELT Science+Simulations Workshop"


The world's largest optical telescope, the 40-meter ELT, will be starting operations in 2028 in Chile. The Department of Astrophysics is involved in the development of software for three of the first four instruments that will be mounted on the telescope.

In preparation for the first observations, we recently held the first of five annual science+simulation workshops in the university's main building between the 27th and 29th of November.

It was attended by 25 early career astronomers, with presentations by many of the leaders in the fields of ELT-era science and instrumentation.

An additional result of the workshop was a catalogue of potential "first-light" and science verification targets, covering spatial scales from the solar system to the edge of the visible universe. 

Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer*innen (C) Kieran Leschinski

(C) Kieran Leschinski

Ein Katalog potenzieller „First-Light“- und Wissenschaftsverifizierung-Ziele, zusammengestellt aus den Präsentationen, die beim ersten jährlichen „Vienna ELT Science+Simulations Workshop“ gehalten wurden.

A catalogue of potential "first-light" and science verification targets compiled from the presentations given at the first annual "Vienna ELT science+simulations workshop" (C) Kieran Leschinski