
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 1436


Santucci, G., Lagos, C. D. P., Harborne, K. E., Derkenne, C., Poci, A., Thater, S., McDermid, R. M., Mendel, J. T., Wisnioski, E., Croom, S. M., Ferré-Mateu, A., Muller, E. G. M., van de Sande, J., Sharma, G., Sweet, S. M., Tsukui, T., Valenzuela, L. M., van de Ven, G., & Zafar, T. (2024). The MAGPI Survey: Orbital distributions, intrinsic shapes, and mass profiles for MAGPI-like Eagle galaxies using Schwarzschild dynamical models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Maíz Apellániz, J., Barbá, R. H., Pantaleoni González, M., Weiler, M., Reed, B. C., Fernández Aranda, R., Crespo Bellido, P., Sota, A., Alfaro, E. J., & Molina Lera, J. A. (2024). The Gaia view on massive stars: EDR3 and what to expect from DR3. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 18.

Veršič, T., Rejkuba, M., Arnaboldi, M., Gerhard, O., Pulsoni, C., Valenzuela, L. M., Hartke, J., Watkins, L. L., van de Ven, G., & Thater, S. (2024). Shapes of dark matter haloes with discrete globular cluster dynamics: The example of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A). Astronomy and Astrophysics, 687, [A80].

Derkenne, C., McDermid, R. M., D’Eugenio, F., Foster, C., Khalid, A., Harborne, K. E., van de Sande, J., Croom, S. M., Lagos, C. D. P., Bellstedt, S., Mendel, T. J., Mun, M., Wisnioski, E., Bagge, R. S., Battisti, A. J., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Ferré-Mateu, A., Peng, Y., Santucci, G., ... Ziegler, B. (2024). The MAGPI Survey: massive slow rotator population in place by z ∼ 0.3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531(4), 4602-4610.

Nitschai, M. S., Neumayer, N., Häberle, M., Clontz, C., Seth, A. C., Milone, A. P., Alfaro-Cuello, M., Bellini, A., Dreizler, S., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Husser, T-O., Kacharov, N., Kamann, S., Latour, M., Libralato, M., van de Ven, G., Voggel, K., & Wang, Z. (2024). oMEGACat III. Multi-band photometry and metallicities reveal spatially well-mixed populations within $\omega$ Centauri's half-light radius. The Astrophysical Journal.

Koller, M., Ziegler, B., Ciocan, B. I., Thater, S., Mendel, J. T., Wisnioski, E., Battisti, A. J., Harborne, K. E., Foster, C., Lagos, C., Croom, S. M., Grasha, K., Papaderos, P., Remus, R. S., Sharma, G., Sweet, S. M., Valenzuela, L. M., van de Ven, G., & Zafar, T. (2024). The MAGPI survey: The interdependence of mass, star formation rate, and metallicity in galaxies at z~0.3. Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Kim, T., Gadotti, D. A., Querejeta, M., Pérez, I., Zurita, A., Neumann, J., van de Ven, G., Méndez-Abreu, J., de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Fragkoudi, F., Martins, L. P., Silva-Lima, L. A., Kim, W-T., & Park, M. (2024). Impacts of bar-driven shear and shocks on star formation. The Astrophysical Journal.

Häberle, M., Neumayer, N., Bellini, A., Libralato, M., Clontz, C., Seth, A. C., Nitschai, M. S., Kamann, S., Alfaro-Cuello, M., Anderson, J., Dreizler, S., Feldmeier-Krause, A., Kacharov, N., Latour, M., Milone, A., Pechetti, R., van de Ven, G., & Voggel, K. (2024). oMEGACat II -- Photometry and proper motions for 1.4 million stars in Omega Centauri and its rotation in the plane of the sky. The Astrophysical Journal.

Mainieri, Mainieri, V., Anderson, R. I., Brinchmann, J., Ellis, R. S., Hill, V., Kneib, J-P., Bacon, R., Randich, S., Leaman, R., Miret-Roig, N., & Ziegler, B. (2024). The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper.

Pechetti, R., Kamann, S., Krajnovic, D., Seth, A., van de Ven, G., Neumayer, N., Dreizler, S., Weilbacher, P. M., Martens, S., & Wragg, F. (2024). ω Centauri: A MUSE discovery of a counter-rotating core. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(3), 4941-4957.

Moór, A., Ábrahám, P., Su, K. Y. L., Henning, T., Marino, S., Chen, L., Kóspál, Á., Pawellek, N., Varga, J., & Vida, K. (2024). Abundant sub-micron grains revealed in newly discovered extreme debris discs. MNRAS, 528(3), 4528-4546.

Taibi, S., Battaglia, G., Roth, M. M., Kamann, S., Iorio, G., Gallart, C., Leaman, R., Skillman, E. D., Kacharov, N., Beasley, M. A., Mancera Piña, P. E., & van de Ven, G. (2024). From gas to stars: MUSEings on the internal evolution of IC 1613. Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 1436