
Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 1681


Cosentino, R., Focardi, M., Di Giorgio, A. M., Chiarucci, S., De Angelis, F., Del Vecchio Blanco, C., Dini, D., Farina, M., Giglio, G., Giusi, G., Jeszenszky, H., Laky, G., Liu, S. J., Loidolt, D., Luntzer, A., Noce, V., Ottacher, H., Ottensamer, R., Pannocchia, A., ... Verna, M. (2024). Advancements and evolution of PLATO's instrument control unit: insights from engineering model performance testing to qualification model development. In L. E. Coyle, S. Matsuura, & M. D. Perrin (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave Article 1309247 SPIE.

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Russi, A., Giusi, G., Di Giorgio, A. M., Loidolt, D., Ottacher, H., Chiarucci, S., Liu, S. J., Farina, M., De Angelis, F., Focardi, M., Cosentino, R., & Ottensamer, R. (2024). The PLATO ICU data compression chain - SW architecture and preliminary performance test results. In L. E. Coyle, S. Matsuura, & M. D. Perrin (Eds.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (Vol. 13092). Article 1309248 SPIE.

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Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 1681