Research networks and platforms

The Institute of Astrophysics is involved in the following research networks at the University of Vienna:

Third-party funded projects

Innovation in research is often enabled and driven by third-party funded projects: Since 2015 five European Research Council (ERC) grants, an outstanding National Research Network (NFN) funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and a big ESA Prodex project have been awarded to scientists of our department. Next to these projects, our postdoctoral researchers gained many national and international projects (MSCA-PF, EU H2020, FWF ESPRIT, FWF Lise Meitner Fellowships, FWF Elise Richter Fellowships). Browse through the list below.

Running third-party funded projects

Showing entries 1 - 6 out of 18

Early Earth, Mars and Venus as Exoplanets (EASE)

Kislyakova, K.


Project: Research funding

The Wide-Field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST)

Ziegler, B.


Project: Research funding

A comprehensive analytical model of tidal stripping

Stücker, J. & Hahn, O.


Project: Research funding

Showing entries 1 - 6 out of 18

Completed third-party funded projects

Planeten i. d. Habitalen Zone

Pilat-Lohinger, E.


Project: Research funding

Planetensyst. in Doppelsternen

Pilat-Lohinger, E.


Project: Research funding

RR Lyrae Sterne

Rank-Lüftinger, T.


Project: Research funding

Modelling Observed Stellar Cycles

Kolenberg, K.


Project: Research funding

Physics of Young Stars

Zwintz, K.


Project: Research funding

Rote Riesen

Hron, J.


Project: Research funding