Equivalence and acknowlegdement of courses for the Master's degree in Astronomy


This information is important if you do NOT want to change to the new Master Curriculum 2023 for the time being or if you plan to complete the Curriculum 2016:

The courses of the Master Curriculum 2016 are no longer offered. However, you can attend equivalent courses of the new curriculum. The following table describes which courses are equivalent:

If you attend the following courses of the MA-Curriculum 2023:They are recognized  in the MA Curriculum 2016 as follows:
Early Universe and Structure GrowthFrühes Universum
Any of the other three lectures from the Area "Galaxies and Universe"Extragalaktische Astronomie
Star Formation: From Molecular Clouds to ProtostarsSternentstehung und Interstellares Medium oder Vertiefung Astronomie
Interstellar Medium and Milky WaySternentstehung und Interstellares Medium oder Vertiefung Astronomie
Solar and Stellar AstrophysicsSternaufbau und Sternentwicklung
Structure and Evolution of Planetary SystemsPlaneten und Exoplaneten
Astronomical Observation MethodsAstronomische Instrumentierung
Methods of Computational AstrophysicsNumerisches Praktikum
Observational Practice CourseBeobachtungsorientiertes Praktikum
Data Science in AstrophysicsData Science in der Astrophysik
Research SemniarForschungsseminar
Preparatory SeminarVertiefung Astronomie



This information is important if you are transferring to the new Master Curriculum 2023:

The already completed achievements have to be recognized by notice. On the homepage of the SSC Geosciences, Geography and Astronomy you will find all necessary information and documents:



The following table describes which achievements from the Master Curriculum 2016 can be recognized in the new Master Curriculum 2023.

If you have already attended the following courses of the MA-Curriculum 2016:They are recognized  in the MA Curriculum 2023 as follows:
Frühes UniversumEarly Universe and Structure Growth
Extragalaktische AstronomieAny of the lectures from the Area "Galaxies and Universe"
Sternentstehung und Interstellares MediumStar Formation: From Molecular Clouds to Protostars OR Interstellar Medium and Milky Way
Sternaufbau und SternentwicklungSolar and Stellar Astrophysics
Planeten und ExoplanetenStructure and Evolution of Planetary Systems
Astronomische InstrumentierungAstronomical Observation Methods
Numerisches PraktikumMethods of Computational Astrophysics
Beobachtungsorientiertes PraktikumObservational Practice Course
Data Science in der AstrophysikData Science in Astrophysics
ForschungsseminarResearch Seminar


Achievements from the PM-Astr module can generally be recognized for the VAF Specialization in Current Research Topics module.

Achievements from the module PM-fnNawi can generally be recognized for the module BEN Related Sciences.

If you are unclear about recognitions, please contact the relevant SPL or the SSC GGA.

NOTE: This is neither an equivalency nor a recognition regulation! These are informal commitments of the SPL to transparently ensure a smooth continuation of your studies or transfer to the new curriculum for you.