Schedule of the Semester for the Bachelor's degree in Astronomy

In order to complete the bachelor's program in astronomy in the scheduled time of six semesters, students are advised to follow the semester schedule below (the semester schedule corresponds to the recommended study path according to the curriculum).

The Studies Entrance and Orientation Phase (StEOP) must have been positively completed before you can take further examinations or register for exam-immanent courses.

In order to guarantee a study progress in minimum study time during the first semester, the following courses can also be completed without positive completion of the StEOP:



(Kopie 2)

  • Linear Algebra
  • Analysis I
      1st Semester                 (32 ECTS)      2nd Semester                 (31 ECTS)      3rd Semester               (32 ECTS)      4th Semester               (29 ECTS)          5th Semester                          (29 ECTS)          6th Semester               (27 ECTS)
StEOP 1 : Grundlagen der AstronomieProgrammieren für Astrophysiker*innenInterstellares MediumAstronomisches PraktikumObservatoriumspraktikum IObservatoriumspraktikum II
StEOP 2: Physikalische RechenmethodenTheoretische Physik ISterne und PlanetensystemeGalaktische Struktur und SternsystemeKosmologieTheoretische Astrophysik III
StEOP 3: Experimentalphysik IExperimentalphysik IIEinführung in StatistikExtragalaktische AstronomieTheoretische Astrophysik IIBachelorseminar
Lineare AlgebraAnalysis IIAstronomische InstrumenteTheoretische Astrophysik INumerische MethodenVertiefung
Analysis IAnalysis IIIExperimentalphysik IIIWIG: LVs zu Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben und PräsentierenWIG: Wissenschaft und Un-/GleichheitVertiefung