Nachts auf der Sternwarte
The lecture series "Nights at the Observatory" presents an extensive program of lectures on a variety of topics on astrophysics. The lectures are accessible to the general public and are held in German or English (see program). After the talk there is a visit to the Great Refractor.
Cosmological dark matter from dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters
In this lecture we will talk about Dark Matter and Dark Energy: why we believe they exist, and how they determine the structure and evolution of our universe.
Dr. Oliver Czoske
In German
When and where?
Second Friday of each month (except for July and August) in the Littrow Hörsaal at the University Observatory.
The lecture starts at 18:30, admission from 18:00 to 18:45.
Current semester program
Date Presenter Talk title Language 10.01.25 Laura Posch Wie uns Astronomie lehrt, die Erde wertzuschätzen German 14.02.25 Prashin Jethwa Speed Junkies - The origin and fate of the fastest stars in the Galaxy English 14.03.25 Oliver Czoske Dark matter and dark energy - through the past, darkly German 11.04.25 Francisco Aros TBD English 09.05.25 Simon Schleich TBD TBD 13.06.25 TBD TBD TBD -
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Previous talks
Talk by Laura Posch about "Wie uns Astronomie lehrt, die Erde wertzuschätzen"
Talk by Prashin Jethwa about "Speed Junkies: The origin and fate of the fastest stars in the Galaxy"
Talk by Franz Kerschbaum about "Die Wiener Universitätssternwarte - Eine Geschichte"
Talk by Elke Pilat-Lohinger about "Gliese 710 – Ein zweiter Stern im Sonnensystem"
Talk by Katja Fahrion about "Was uns Sternhaufen über die Entwicklung von Galaxien verraten"
Talk by Oliver Hahn about "Euclid und das kosmische Netz der Galaxien"
Talk by Roland Ottensamer about "Weltraumteleskope – den Sternen ein wenig näher"
Talk by Nicole Pawellek about "Trümmerscheiben – Eine Studie in Kollisionen"
Talk by Prashin Jethwa about "In a Spin: The science and sociology of spiral galaxies"
Talk by Meinrad Hafner about "Gravitational waves: Physics, Technology, Astronomy"
Talk by Ryan Leaman about "Taste-testing recipes for 'baking' galaxy disks"
Talk by Sudeshna Boro Saikia about "Observing terrestrial exoplanets in the era of JWST"
Talk by Josefa Großschedl about "What Gaia tells us about the formation of the stars"
Talk by Nicole Pawellek about "Music of the Spheres - The Connection between Astronomy and Music"
Talk by Anahí Caldú Primo and Christian Tschinkel about "Voyager, our interstellar messenger"
Talk by Sylvia Plöckinger about "The Universe in the Computer"
Talk by Meinrad Hafner about "Sirius B: the impossible star"
Talk by Stefan Meingast about VISIONS
Talk by Alice Zocchi about "The mysterious dance of old stellar clusters"
Talk by Nuria Miret Roig about "Searching for Hidden Worlds"
Talk by Gerhard Hensler about "dwarfs and satellites"
Talk by Yanina Metodieva about "Life beyond our Earth"
Talk by Christine Ackerl about "When galaxies waltz"
Talk by Oliver Czoske about "The extremely large telescope and what Austria has to do with it"
Talk by Nicole Pawellek about "How to find asteroids around other stars?"