Welcome at the Department of Astrophysics
Advancing Astrophysics, Empowering People!
The mission of the Department of Astrophysics is to lead in research and education in astrophysics at an international level. We are dedicated to sharing discoveries with society, promoting innovation, and fostering a welcoming, respectful environment where diverse perspectives enrich our academic mission.
On November 8, Elke Pilat-Lohinger will talk about "Gliese 710 – A second star in the solar system".
Astrophysiker Manuel Güdel spricht in einem öffentlichen Vortrag zu neuen und teilweise spektakulären Erkenntnissen, die das James Webb Space...
On October 11, Katja Fahrion will talk about "What star clusters tell us about the evolution of galaxies".
Currently visiting: In September 2024, astrophysicist Graham Smith joined the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy as Ida Pfeiffer...
On 25 September 2024, Leo Haimberger, Vice Dean for Infrastructure, officially opened the new office wing at the Department of Astrophysics.
Die Professor*innen des Instituts für Astrophysik wenden sich in einem offenen Brief an ORF Programm-Direktorin Stefanie Groiss-Horowitz.