
These recommendations apply to starting in the winter semester! Lateral entrants have to pay attention to some special features, see below. For all courses from the third semester onwards (always offered in the winter semester), the STEOP is already a prerequisite. Regardless of which semester you start in, concentrate on taking all STEOP module exams!!!

First semester (winter semester)

In September you have to register for the courses you want to attend in the winter semester. An important term in the first semester is the so-called Introductory and orientation period (STEOP). This includes different courses that you must complete to be able to continue your studies. These courses are designed to help you identify early on if studying astronomy is right for you.

The curriculum tells you which courses you have to attend. Courses (LV's) recommended for the first semester are listed below.

  • Introduction to Astronomy (VO)
  • Introduction to Physics I = Experimental Physics I (VO + PUE)
  • Introduction to physical calculation methods (VO + PUE + PVU)
  • Analysis for Physicists I (VO + UE)
  • Linear Algebra for Physicists (VO + UE)

Courses in the introductory and orientation period (STEOP) studies, i.e. so-called STEOP subjects, are printed in bold.


There is a preliminary meeting at the start of the semester, during which you can still ask any questions you may have. You can find it in the course catalogue, u:find, under SPL 28, Bachelor Astronomy, as "Orientation event Astronomy for first-semester students".

Starting in summer semester

There are a few things to consider when laterally entering the course in the summer term.

As with a regular study start, you have to observe certain deadlines for enrollment (admission) at the University of Vienna. You can only enrol in astronomy courses once you have been properly admitted. You can find everything you need to know about admission is in the entry guide.

There is a preliminary meeting at the start of the semester, during which you can still ask any questions you may have. You can find the time and date for this meeting in the course catalogue, u:find, under SPL 28, Bachelor Astronomy, as an orientation course in astronomy for first-year students.

There are preparation courses for lateral students from the physics department to help you. You can find them under the course catalogue, u:find, under SPL 26 - other lectures. Focus on finishing the STEOP-module exams (with the help of the preperatory courses)

The curriculum shows which courses are recommended when. Astronomy courses only take place annually, either in the summer or winter semester, just as recommended in the curriculum. Therefore, if you start in the summer semester, the courses for the first semester will not be taught. You can take module exams on this subject. There are also preparatory courses to support you. At the same time, it is recommended to attend a few courses in the regular second semester. Registration for these courses also takes place via u:find.

The homepage of the astronomy student representation has collected information on lateral entry in its FAQ.

If you don't want to lose any time, in addition to completing the STEOP module exams (and attending the preparatory courses), it makes sense that you attend the following selection of courses in the summer semester:

  • Introduction to Physics 2 = Experimental Physics II (E2) (UE)
  • Analysis for Physicists II (Ana 2 UE) (lecture examination only after a successful steop))
  • Astrophysics I/1 (VU

If you work part-time or you feel that the entry is too close, it is also possible to attend only some of the courses and concentrate on the Steop module exams (with the preparatory courses). This will make the regular winter semester easier for you. However, a study duration of 7 semesters is then the realistic minimum. If you have any concerns or problems, be sure to discuss them with your astronomy student representative.

You can already attend the following courses without Steop (i.e. before you have successfully completed the Steop):

  • Introduction to Physics 2 = Experimental Physics II (E2) (UE) (summer semester)
  • Analysis for Physicists II (Ana 2) (UE) (summer semester)
  • Astrophysics I/1 (VU) (summer semester)
  • Analysis I (VO + UE) (winter semester)
  • Linear Algebra (UE) (winter semester