
Zeige Ergebnisse 1401 - 1403 von 1403


Johnstone, C. (2016). The Influences of Stellar Activity on Planetary Atmospheres. in D. Nandy, A. Valio, & P. Petit (Hrsg.), Living Around Active Stars: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium (Band 12, S. 168 - 179). International Astronomical Union.

Baum, I., & Posch, T. (2016). The Vienna University Observatory and the Museum of the Department of Astrophysics. in C. Feigl (Hrsg.), Academic Showcases: The Collections at the University of Vienna (S. 177-181). Böhlau Verlag.

Hatzes, A. P., Weiss, W. W., Rauer, H., & Grotsch-Noels, A. (2016). V.3 Present and future space missions for ultra-precision photometry. in A. Baglin (Hrsg.), The CoRoT Legacy Book: The adventure of the ultra high precision photometry from space, by the CoRot Team (S. 241). [317] EDP Sciences.

Zeige Ergebnisse 1401 - 1403 von 1403