Das Institutsseminar findet jeden Freitag um 11:30 Uhr in Hybridformat statt, vor Ort im Hörsaal und online über Zoom. Die Seminarvorträge werden immer in englischer Sprache gehalten.
Organisator*innen SS25: Prashin Jethwa, Glenn van de Ven, Sudeshna Boro Saikia, Oliver Hahn
Vortragende (aktuelles Semester)
21.02.2025 - Laura Scholz-Díaz (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri) & Graham Smith (Uni. Birmingham/Uni. Vienna)
Laura Scholz-Díaz (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri)
The impact of dark matter halos on the baryonic content of galaxies: Dynamical evidence from the CALIFA survey
The interplay between the baryonic physics of galaxies and the assembly of dark matter halos is essential for understanding galaxy formation, but remains elusive to observations, which typically rely on indirect halo characterizations. In this talk, I will report direct observational evidence from the CALIFA survey showing that the baryonic properties of nearby galaxies -such as age, metallicity, star formation rate, morphology, stellar angular momentum- as well as the radial profiles and gradients of their stellar populations, are influenced by their host halos. Through detailed dynamical modeling of optical integral-field spectroscopic data, we found that for galaxies with similar stellar masses, these baryonic properties vary depending on their total enclosed mass (stars + dark matter). We demonstrate that total mass correlates with halo mass inferred from indirect methods, as well as in numerical simulations. Our findings indicate that dark matter halos play a key role in shaping the baryonic content of galaxies and suggest that the timing of halo formation could significantly impact observed galaxy properties.
Graham Smith (Uni. Birmingham/Uni. Vienna)
Adventures of a gravitational lenser in Vienna
I will summarise some scientific highlights from my Winter Semester in Vienna. Of course gravitational lensing and Rubin/LSST will feature, but so too will hunting for extragalactic planets, and probing quantum physics with gravitational lensing in the Solar system. I will also summarise recent progress in Rubin/LSST on-sky commissioning, but sadly am not allowed to show any data.